Name Witheld
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The administering of intravenous immunoglobulin began immediately the next morning and continued for a number of days following. Although reluctant regarding any type of blood transfusion or similar treatment, I was convinced by those whose knowledge was far greater than mine that this approach was indeed advisable, and quickly!
My wonderful husband was a tower of strength through the whole process, attending the hospital each morning before breakfast to help me shower, get dressed and prepare for the day’s activities. I think the very fact of being dressed for action was a positive step.
Aside from the usual ‘during the night’ sleep interruptions from the nurses, one evening I was awakened by someone pulling back the covers and attempting to get into the bed! This turned out to be an elderly patient who was somewhat confused about where she was. All I could do was stretch out one arm and try to keep her out! With some difficulty, I called the nurse and asked her to please ensure my persistent visitor stayed within her own boundaries, whereupon I was asked if I would like a sleeping pill so that I wouldn’t be disturbed!
On another occasion, while trying to walk around my bed unassisted, I managed to fall over and couldn’t get up. This prompted a rush of staff to my bedside, but eventually by turning myself on to my knees and with some help I was able to be resettled back on top of the bed.]
Virtually straight away I was shuffled off on a walker to physio, then graduated within days to the challenge of elbow crutches. I was making some progress now, although painfully slow, and by week’s end was judged well enough to return home.
The hospital had made provision for various aids to be installed in the home, without which there was no way I could have managed. I needed help to get out of bed and assistance with showering and very basic needs. Once home, I attended physio regularly and found myself struggling to shuffle with baby steps. Fortunately my hands recovered remarkably well and that gave .me great cause for optimism. The first year of recovery was exhausting and progress slow, so very slow. Rising from a seated position was a real trick. It was a difficult time and emotionally draining. Life had changed overnight. Fortunately for me, Mary McAlister’s empathy, encouragement and gentle support was at hand. A thousand thanks, Mary!